Preverite, če imate morda pomanjkanje kroma! Brez kroma sladkor ne more v celice kjer bi ga “pokurili” za energijo, ampak se potem v jetrih spremeni v maščobe => zamaščena, povečana jetra in posledično vse težave z razstrupljanjem! Tega vam ne bo povedal niti vaš zdravnik, niti fitnes trener, ampak bodite radovedni in raziskujte s svojo glavo, guglajte in poskusite izluščiti res samo tiste verodostojne informacije, saj na internetu se najde vse kar hočete (ZA in PROTI), samo prave ključne besede iščite.
Pomanjkanje kroma lahko preverite pri bioresonančni terapevtki Vesni Kranjc (učenka mag. Karin Rižner!):
Vendar so za zdravje, ne samo za hujšanje, pomembni tudi drugi vitamini, minerali in učinkovita prebava! To pa vam lahko pomerimo tukaj
Debelost od znotraj (za dobre želodce!): Obesity : The Post Mortem
Intermitent Fasting – prehranjevanje 8h, prekinitveni post 16h
Princip je ta, da začne telo kuriti tudi vse odpadne (detoks!) in težje presnovljive snovi, to pa se lahko zgodi šele potem, ko porabi tiste sprotne zaloge hrane iz katerih lažje pridobiva energijo (ogljikovi hidrati, maščobe).
Gut Microbiome: Impact of Diet & Intermittent Fasting || Research Roundup
Is Fasting Good for the Microbiome? New Science!
Modifikacija mikrobioma (črevesnih bakterij)
Modulating the Gut Microbiome – the Role of Probiotics and Prebiotics
Lucy Mailing – Modulating the gut microbiome for health: evidence-based testing and therapeutic[…]
Microbiome We Are What They Eat
Missing Microbes with Dr Martin Blaser
World Microbiome Day at CEB: Diversity Matters
Gut Microbiome: Understanding Prebiotics, Probiotics and Synbiotics
Podcast #177 – Dr. Grace Liu: Fixing the Gut Microbiome with Resistant Starch and Probiotics
Microbiome & Mitochondria with Vincent Pedre M.D., Mark Hyman M.D., Frank Lipman M.D.
Plant-Powered: Activating Metabolism to Reduce & Reverse Diabetes & Obesity
Linking the Gut Microbiome, Obesity, and the Immune System
Microbiome and Obesity – Martin Blaser
Gut Microbiome as Predictors of Obesity and Addictive-Eating Behaviour
Exploring Bacteria’s Role in Weight Gain and Loss
Gut microbiota and obesity, what comes first? – Dr. Thomas Greiner
Functional Weight Loss Pt. 3: Using the Microbiome
Nutrition and the Gut Microbiome | Leigh Frame, PHD, MHS
The Human Microbiome: A New Frontier in Health
Gut bacteria and weight loss: Mayo Clinic Radio
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Gut Microbiome
How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome
Antibiotic Exposure, The Microbiome and Obesity
The Microbiomes Role in Weight Gain
Dr. Ruchi Mathur: How Your Gut Microbiome Affects You
How the Gut Microbiome affects the Brain and Mind
Gut microbiota and type 2 diabetes
Corn bran fiber modulates gut microbiota in individuals with overweight and obesity
Low in Gut Bacteria and Risk of Obesity and Diabetes
Obesity and the Gut Microbiome with Tami Chu, MS
Obesity and the diet-microbiome connection: a conversation with a gastroenterologist
Antibiotics and Obesity – AMNH SciCafe
The link between the gut microbiome and the blood-brain barrier
Childhood Obesity: The impact of nutrition on health
What’s The Link Between Your Microbiome, Weight-Gain & Obesity?
Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and the Microbiome with Dr. Liz Lipski
Optimize Your Microbiome: Dr. Will Bulsiewicz | Rich Roll Podcast
Dr. Martin Blaser on Antibiotics and Obesity
Microbiome Colonization and Assembly – Ruth Ley
Gastroenterology Special Issue: The Gut Microbiome
Gut-Feeling — Ventures into the Microbiome
The Role of Gut Microbiota on the Development of Obesity
Why Red Wine is Good for Your Microbiome | Health | WIRED
The Microbiome, Technology, and the Future of Health | Scott Sundvor | TEDxESADE
How obesity can lead to Type 2 Diabetes?
C-Section & Obesity: Are Vaginal Microbes Needed for Normal Metabolic Development?
Mastering the Microbiome: A Master Class in Gut Health | Rich Roll Podcast
Dr. Paul Mason – ‘How lectins impact your health – from obesity to autoimmune disease’
Special microbes make anti-obesity molecule in the gut
Why Obesity is a Chronic Disease
Keynote: AI and the Human Microbiome | Rob Knight
AHS16 – Terry Wahls – Feeding Your Microbiome
ACSM Denver Day 2: Workout, Gut Microbiome, Nutrition, Diabetes
IACS Seminar: Bayesian Machine Learning Models for Understanding Microbiome Dynamics 9/20/19
Go with your gut: Novel findings on the gut microbiome, nutrition and health
Dr. Robynne Chutkan | Revitalize | Why The Microbiome Is The Future Of Medicine
The Microbiome Revolution in Health & Disease with Larry Smarr & Rob Knight
Gut microbiome and cholestatic liver diseases (Lukas Bajer)
VEGAN Gut Microbiome & Women’s Health Q&A Dr. Veress ND
Quercetin for Weight Loss and Obesity Prevention – Functional Nugget #413
Insulin is the Cause for Overweight and Obesity
Webinar “Understanding the Human Microbiome: The link to obesity and liver disease” [DE]
Understanding the Human Microbiome and its Therapeutic Potential
Why is the gut microbiome important?
Microbiota Fecal Transplant (MFT)
Fecal Transplants as Probiotics: Can They Change the Microbiome?
Fecal microbiota transplants: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Translational microbiome research and FMT
Celiac Disease, the Microbiome and FMT and c-difficile Treatment
Microbiome and Microbiotic. Cause of Obesity. Depression. Colon. Revelations first time 0006
Izboljšanje mikrobiote pri dojenčkih in otrocih
Pooping in Labor | How to Improve Baby’s Microbiome
Developing a baby’s microbiome
Gut – Brain Connection
“Brain-Gut Axis: The Effect of Intestinal Microbiome on Mental Health” – Dr Emily Deans
The Science of Mood And Your Microbiome
Mlečno-kislinske bakterije, kefir in mikrobiom
Lars Bode – Human Milk Oligosaccharides as Primers for the Microbiome and Immune System
Corona virus & Microbiome
Coronavirus and the Microbiome
How the gut microbiome regulates immune cell types | Dr. Rhonda Patrick
The potential impact of the gut microbiome on SARS-CoV-2 research
Avtizem in mikrobiom
Diet, the Microbiome, and Autism
Microbiome-Epigenetic-Genetic interaction in the development of autism spectrum disorder
Policistični jajčniki, vaginalna flora in mikrobiom
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) | Overview of Associated Conditions, Diagnosis & Treatments
The Vaginal Microbiome: It’s Role in Women’s Health and Disease
Ekcemi in mikrobiota
Eczema, Immunity and the Skin Microbiome – Heidi Kong
What you need to know about your skin’s microbiome and how to use probiotics in skincare