- The Surprising Connection Between Alpha Lipoic Acid And Heavy Metal Detox, Robin Shirley: You should not under any circumstances take ALA if you currently have amalgam filling still in your mouth, or had them removed within the last three months.
- Anti-parazitna terapija in borelija Radmila Čučak
- Avoid a Detox Crisis! Common Snags and How to Dodge Them, Dr. Isaac Eliaz
- Top 18 Proven Heavy Metals Detoxes For Safe Chelation, Joe Cohen
- Vpliv okvarjenih jeter na slab razkroj estrogenih hormonov, ki potem povzročajo rake hormonskega izvora www.unmc.edu/publichealth/departments/enviromental/facultyandstaff/eleanor-rogan.html
- http://www.holist.eu/cilantro_klorela.html